Ouch. In my neighborhood, gold eggs are starting to rot. It used to provide that quick shot of adrenaline everytime I find a golden mystery egg in the Farmville newsfeed....but now now more.
It's because Zynga had changed the prizes inside. On Saturday morning, I was excited to find a golden mystery egg so I jumped out of my bed and prayed that I will get a donkey. OMG. I can't believe my eye when I hatched the egg and there was a Farmville flag inside. What the....???? I just had two Farmville flags 3 months ago and sold it as I didn't like it anymore and here's what I get from that very rare find???? Ouchhhhh.
And an hour later, as I was cooking lunch, a friend found another golden mystery egg. So I got excited again and kazaaammmmm!!!! OMG! OMG! OMG!
I got a small pond inside. A small pond? Not even a big pond??? I had two small ponds and decided to sell one. I'm about to sell the other one and here comes another small pond from the most coveted egg in the world???/ OUCH!!!!
So.....taaadannnnnn. I did a research and found that indeed Zynga had changed what's inside the eggs. So to warn you. Here's what you will be finding if you're lucky enough!!
White chicken
Brown chicken
Groovy scarecrow
Brown chicken
Black chicken
Zen garden
Black chicken
Golden chicken
Golden chicken
Small pond
Sheep Topiary
Red Farmville Flag
Gold Gnome
Animal Flota
30 Fuel Refills
Soooo, up to you. Are you still excited to stay glued on your screens to wait for postings of mystery eggs??????
Why do I have this rotten feeling?????